I’m very proud of my sisters and everything they’ve accomplished and done. I’m very proud of where i came from. ~ eva longoria
“she is my sounding board, my confidante, my keeper of secrets – and my best friend.” ~ kathleen o’keefe
We acquire friends and we make enemies, but our sister come with the territory. ~ evelyn loeb
“having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.”
Sisters are the best kind of friends – there’s no friend like a sister
She is my sounding board, my confidante, my keeper of secrets – and my best friend.
“She’s always there for me when I need her; She’s my best friend; she’s just my everything.” Ashley Olsen
Words that describe you: my wise sister, my confidant, and my best friend.
Sisters are best friends, they are advisors, they are teachers, and best of all they are people with whom you can talk with about anything – someone you have a special bond with!
“A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.”
It is to be treasured when sisters are close or best friends, and what a loss for both of them when they aren’t.
“One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself.
“Sister you were the one I always told on, now you’re the friend I always lean on. I count my blessings everyday for you.
“Sister we don’t know what the future holds but we always know we are there for each other.
Sister. You are not only a strong woman, you are the strongest tie to the best years of my life.
Parents are just parents, brothers are just brothers, best friends are just best friends, even husbands are just husbands, but sisters – well, sisters are the ones to whom sisters always turn in times of joy or trouble, celebration or crisis.
Appreciation I send to you my sister, for always being there, for your support and encouragement. On you I can always count.
“Often, in old age, the sisters become each other’s chosen and most happy companions. In addition to their shared memories of childhood and their relationship to each other’s children, they . . . carry the echoes of their mother’s voice.”
Life is full of changes, over the years we have seen people change, but you my sister, never change, you are always there for me.
Your sister is a jewel, a priceless, one-of-a-kind gem who makes living precious for many people, including you.
“I am so proud to call you sister. I could not ask for a better friend, for a better encourager, you have made a positive difference in my life.
My sister was the one who showed me what women of faith look like. She taught me how to live. She made me proud of our family.
A sister is someone who no matter what, no matter where, and no matter who, is always there for you.
We share memories of the past my sister and they will be with us for our lifetime.
One’s sister is part of one’s essential self, an eternal presence of one’s heart and soul and memory
“Sisters are connected throughout their lives by a special bond- whether they try to ignore it or not. For better or for worse, sisters remain sisters, until death do them part.”
“You know full well as I do the value of sisters’ affections; there is nothing like it in this world.”
Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.